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Roach Squad

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Pretty Littles

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The Pill

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Fleur De Malheur

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new release

Jaqee Nakiri

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new release


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Sha-La-Lees - Hex

„The stuff that don’t save souls“

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Jesse - Complete Discography

„There are records that accompany you throughout your entire life.“

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Jaqee Nakiri - I am beyond delighted to announce the collaboration of Jaqee Nakiri and Sounds of Subterrania.

„Dance to the music and I 'll shake it with you. Climb all the way and I will Do it with you. Simmer down with me and I will blues it with you. “

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Sounds of Subterrania - Bite it! Festival -Instant Assholes Edition

„25 years of Sounds of Subterrania! Reason to go back to the roots and stamp another Bite it festival out of the ground. “

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Sounds of Subterrania - 25 years Bandcamp Discount

„Sounds of Subterrania turns 25 this year. And as a surprise, January brings you a Bandcamp discount.“

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Columbian Neckties - What do to 7"

„Two new garage punk killers from your favorite Danish punk band. “

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El Guapo Stuntteam - Crowdfunding for book publication

„25 years after its founding, the legendary Hasselt rock band El Guapo Stuntteam comes back to life in a book.“

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Snake - Undreams

„We think it's a darker album, but also with a glimmer of hope. We've found that together we can be strong, share difficult experiences and make our voices heard.“

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20.02.25 - Zürich (CH) - Zukunft
21.02.25 - Frankfurt/M - Zoom
20.03.25 - Marseille(FR) - Le Molotov Club
21.03.25 - Valencia (ES) - 16 Toneladas
22.03.25 - Barcalona - Estraperlo